
Monday, August 13, 2012

Watermarble or Stamp?

If you like stamping and don't know Bundle Monster, then you better head quickly to their website and browse their stamping sets. I own all of them but have a slight preference for the 3rd set because of the genius of the designs. I already posted about the shatter/crackle and gradient stamping effects, and today they make watermarble a breeze with BM 320. I hate watermarbling, I tried so many times and never got it right. No need anymore! See for yourself.
I stamped with Sally Hansen Cobalt Blue over Layla Jade Groove.

Layla Jade Groove - Seafoam green holographic polish

Aaand the famous BM320

So what do you think of it? Thanks for reading!


  1. Wow that makes life a whole lot easier! I like water marbling but only when it works ;oP It can get so frustrating I want to pull my hair out!

  2. I'm so pleased that the water marble look is now for everybody :)

    1. oh yeah this is so cool! now we can all rock water marbles

  3. Oh at first I really thought it is water marble, now I want that plate

  4. How cool is that! I've never tried watermarbling or stamping. Both look equally cool and scary to me, lol. ;)

    1. you will like stamping better it's so easy. I have done ONE water marble in my life and never had the guts to post it loool

  5. So cute! And it's great that they made an easy way to make it look like a water marble!

  6. I'm telling you! I only swear by this 3rd bundle monster set lol innovation is key!

  7. So cute! This makes me want to order this set.

  8. The 3rd set is totally worth it! I don't think there is a plate in the 3rd set that I don't like :)

    1. lol you know right! from the shatter plate to the smiley ones the owls etc I love everything!


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