
Monday, August 20, 2012

Guest Post by Nailderella

Hey lovelies!
I'm sure most of you recognize those signature nails. I am so happy that Karine from Nailderella is guest posting for me! She was one of my first blog crushes, she is so sweet lol I see a lot of me in her, not just the name :) Merci Karine!

Hello Karine's readers!

It's another Karine writing in Karine's blog today :D and I am super excited to be featured as a guest on her blog because Karine is such a sweetheart, she always posts about great polishes with amazing swatches, and we have quite a lot in common. We have the same name and we're both French-speaking ;D

To celebrate, I took my stamping plates out of my drawer and chose my favorite pattern from plate m65. Here is the result!

To create this, I used 2 coats of OPI Don't Pretzel My Buttons, a nude honey-beige color from the Germany collection and stamped with Essie Good as Gold and Konade plate m65.

Thanks, Karine, for this guest post. It was a real honor for me and bonne chance pour ton retour au pays ;D Je te souhaite tout le meilleur! <3


  1. Oh my god this looks fantabulous! I'm going to remember this one!

  2. Merci beaucoup à Toi! Je suis bien rentree tout se passé bien
    J'adore ta mani Et toutes mes copines veulent la même!

    1. Génial alors! merci beaucoup pour ce guest post! <3

  3. I love the metallic over nude!!

  4. This is lovely - I did not buy but 1 of the Essie metallics because they were so brush stroke prone. But works probably for stamping.


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